
Mathematica Demonstration

Back in grad school, I put together this visualization of a model based on the world's most charismatic plant pathogen: Black Fingers of Death! The model explores how Black Fingers of Death might affect the outcome of competition between to grass host species, based on the biology of transmission and tolerance (unknown at the time). Check out the Mathematica Demonstration here.




New papers!

Keep your eye out for some new papers coming out in the next few months! In our Ecology paper, we show that native California grasses are hovering at the edge of coexistence and competitive exclusion by exotic grasses. In our PLoS ONE paper, we infect two grass species--one native and one introduced in California--with up to three viruses and show that infection reduces biomass much more severely in the exotic grass.

Mordecai, E.A., Molinari N.A., Stahlheber, K., Gross, K., D’Antonio, C. Controls over native perennial grass exclusion and persistence in annual-invaded California grasslands. Ecology.

Mordecai, E.A., Hindenlang, M., Mitchell, C.E. Differential impacts of virus diversity on biomass production of a native and an exotic grass host. PLoS ONE.

